
So my band’s website and my business website (which is in its infancy) got hacked by the “Red Hackers Association.” My hosting provider for those sites have still not fixed the problem. Note that this site that you are currently viewing is not hosted by that company, but on my cable modem connection. Both sites were offline on Tuesday through Thursday (August 1st – 3rd), and today have the defaced rhetoric:
Hacked websites

Here’s the full text of theire defacement:

Red Hackers Association / RedHack Team (Kizil Hacker’lar)

� own with Israeli sionism and barbarism! Down with the US imperialism! Long live the international solidarity of peoples! Long live socialism! Israel is doomed to be destroyed, the peoples of Middle East and the rest of the world will annihilate! – Abas la imperialisme est sionisme. Abas la Israel. Vive la solidarlite international des peuple. Vive RedHack �

MaNYaK | Tio | CrX | Partizan | Cruel | drk4ph3x | Csoft

Red Hackers Association / REDHACK TEAM 1997-2006

Abas La imperialisme und Sionisme. Hoh Di Internationale solidarlited – Israil Assasino!! AND F@#$ USA and ISRAEL

irc.ulak.net – #redhack
Her$ey iLLegaL .]


Raise The fLag Of SociaList StruggLe Toward ImperiaList War And CapitaList CoLony..!

Thanks, jerks.