Taking a photo using my original iPhone high above Kevin Worthington above Waimea Bay Beach on the North Shore of O’ahu in Hawaii circa 2008
Photo credit: Trish Worthington
Hello, I’m Kevin Worthington. Thanks for checking out my site. I’m a husband, father, son, brother, professional software engineer, systems administrator, WordPress developer, applications specialist, Internet enthusiast, website builder, photographer, among other things. For example, I’ve been posting and tinkering with this site since 2006.
My favorite operating systems to use are Linux, OpenBSD, Mac OS X, and Windows. As a result of being familiar will all of them, I try to use the right tool for the right job since each one has its own strengths and weaknesses, for instance.
Gmail is my current preferred way to use email, and I wrote a few articles discussing how to speed up Gmail and how to use its offline features:
5 Tips to Fix Gmail Slow Load Issues
6 More Tips to Fix Gmail Slow Load Issues
I have ported a few Unix-like web servers to Windows: Nginx and Lighttpd. However, Cygwin-based Nginx for Windows builds are the only ones that I still build because many people like and use them, despite the existence of official Nginx builds. Conversely, for Lighttpd, the WLMP Project now provides Windows builds of Lighttpd.
Similarly, I also wrote a few tutorials on how to build Nginx on Mac OS X. The latest guide is here:Nginx for Mac OS X El Capitan in 2 minutes.
There is not a strict focus to my site. But, technology seems to be the main reoccurring topic. Current events and politics show up here from time to time. Please feel free to explore the Archives to see what’s available.
My wife Trish and I live on Long Island, New York. However, we did live in Hawaii for a year and a half from 2008 to 2010.
Do you have any questions? Please check my FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) or Contact me with suggestions. Please note that I am one of many with the name Kevin Worthington.
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Finally, if you are interested in hiring me, please fill out a Service Request. Thank you.