This week has been crazy with a lot of things going on at work, school, and home. My workload at both school and work seemed to have doubled this week, and I’m not sure why. I feel like I haven’t had any ‘spare’ time, although I am working on a new version of the band’s website but I am not going to link either of the two development ideas here. It is based on WordPress like this site, but I am trying to modify the CSS to make it less ‘WordPressy’. It’s not really going to be a blog, but I want an easy interface to update post through, and WordPress is dead simple. Plus, it’ll keep it all nice and organized with the time and date in a MySQL database. More on this when I have a finished product, although like I mentioned, it’s been really busy.
In football news, the Pro Bowl is on this Sunday, and I will be cheering for the AFC as usual. The game starts at 7:30 PM ET on ESPN.
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