Nginx 1.0.13 for Windows

Nginx for Windows32-bit and 64-bit versions of Nginx 1.0.13 for Windows are now available for free download. Each were built on Windows 7 Ultimate (32-bit and 64-bit for the respective versions of Nginx) using Cygwin.

These versions are from the upstream stable branch. Nginx for Windows packages are provided as is, without any guarantees or warranties. Use at your own risk. Please read on below for more details.

These builds are built in support of legacy users who still use Cygwin based builds. Official native Windows builds are available and supported at

This particular version has several bugfixes and features.

Here is the changelog:

Changes with nginx 1.0.13 05 Mar 2012

  • ) Feature: the “return” and “error_page” directives can now be used to return 307 redirections.
  • ) Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker process if the “resolver” directive was used and there was no “error_log” directive specified at global level. Thanks to Roman Arutyunyan.
  • ) Bugfix: memory leaks. Thanks to Lanshun Zhou.
  • ) Bugfix: nginx might log incorrect error “upstream prematurely closed connection” instead of correct “upstream sent too big header” one. Thanks to Feibo Li.
  • ) Bugfix: on ZFS filesystem disk cache size might be calculated incorrectly; the bug had appeared in 1.0.1.
  • ) Bugfix: the number of internal redirects to named locations was not limited.
  • ) Bugfix: temporary files might be not removed if the “proxy_store” directive was used with SSI includes.
  • ) Bugfix: in some cases non-cacheable variables (such as the $args variable) returned old empty cached value.
  • ) Bugfix: the “proxy_redirect” directives might be inherited incorrectly.
  • ) Bugfix: nginx could not be built with the ngx_http_perl_module if the –with-openssl option was used.
  • ) Bugfix: nginx could not be built by the icc 12.1 compiler.

Download Nginx 1.0.13 for Windows (32-bit & 64-bit versions) here.

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